If you’re a digital lead at most organisations, your job long-term is to make yourself redundant
In this episode we speak with Said Dajani, Head of Digital at Diabetes UK.
Said has been working in digital for well over a decade and has experienced first-hand the evolution of digital and how charities have evolved their own digital offerings.
We started our conversation with a look back at how digtal has evolved, starting back in the early 2000s - a time where Mark Zuckerberg was an unknown, where mobile phones were still just phones, and websites were still a novelty.
Over the past decade or so, things have changed and evolved so quickly, it was a good opportunity to speak with someone who has been immersed in these changes and sought to harness them to support several vital causes.
Armed with this knowledge and experience, Said discusses what charities can learn about how best to approach their audience and fulfil their obligations to the causes they support, in the increasingly complex world of digital.
Charity Digital Code: https://charitydigitalcode.org/
Digital Trustees: https://zoeamar.com/2020/11/04/digital-trustee/
Recruit a digital trustee: https://reachvolunteering.org.uk/recruit-digital-trustee