“We’re not playing god, but what we are doing and what we are encouraging and hoping people do is to shop with a conscience, to shop ethically, and to buy materials that are sustainable, and renewable…” - David Zarzecki
In this episode we speak to David Zarzecki about the work he is doing at Kindred and the wider issues of ethical consumerism and the place that charities have in encouraging ethical consumerism
We speak about the trends in the retail sector, the impact of the pandemic, and how Kindred is one option for charities looking to develop their fundraising, while finding new forms of giving for their supporters
This is episode is sponsored by Charity Chat's platinum sponsor Charity People.
What is Kindred: https://kindred.co/
Ethical Consumer - https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/
UK ethical consumer spending hits record high - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/dec/30/uk-ethical-consumer-spending-hits-record-high-report-shows